Microsoft Bing Ads Management
What could you do with
an extra 30% online ad traffic?

The Bing Advertising Agency equation is simple: Spend less. Reach 30% more customers. Sell up to 30% more products.

The MANY business benefits of using a Microsoft Bing Ads agency

The online sales you're NOT making? They're here - with Bing Ads Management.

The importance of Microsoft Advertising formerly known as Bing Ads? You'd be surprised. While everyone knows Google is by far the dominant search engine, not everyone realises that many of the smaller search players are either driven by Bing, or partner with Microsoft Ads.

Savvy Online Retailers Use Bing Ads Management

Why do the smartest online retailers ALWAYS use Microsoft Ads as a part of their paid search and digital marketing strategies?

  • Less competition

    Sometimes your PPC advertising needs to be in the calmer backwaters, away from the costs and the competition.

  • Lower costs

    Lower competition drives costs down and ROAS up.

  • Lazer guided targeting

    Different paid search networks target different audiences.

  • Greater reach

    To maximise PPC campaign success you need to maximise online reach.

Use Bing PPC to Sell More Online

But don't forget…

The quality of your next Bing and Microsoft Ad Network campaign will be defined by the quality of the paid search agency you bring in to take responsibility for that work.

Don't take chances.

If you want to make the most of Microsoft Ads, then you want a PPC agency partner with the Bing advertising agency skills and experience to deliver.

Before we go into PPC management and what you need to be looking for in a Bing Ads agency, let's take a more detailed look at the Microsoft Search Network itself, how it differs to Google Ads and why any smart online retailer should seriously consider Microsoft Ads as part of a paid search or pay per click campaign.

6 Great Reasons to Use Bing Pay Per Click Management

1. Get In Front of More Customers

The bigger your target audience, the more you sell. Fact.

  • Typical click-through rates (CTR) 45% higher than on Google.

  • The average shopping ad cost per click (CPC) is 30% lower than Google.

  • Bing's desktop shoppers spend on average 35% more than your typical internet shopper.

Microsoft Bing Ads
BIG Numbers, BIG New Sales Opportunities

This graphic represents the number of monthly Bing searches on PC, the number of PC users, PC market share and Bings’s percentage share of the US search market. It also shows that 55% of online users are conducting product research.

  • 14.7 billion - Monthly PC Searches
  • 724 million - Unique PC users
  • 14.4% - PC market share
  • 55% - Users doing online product research
  • 36% - Share of the US desktop search market

Discover a whole world of Paid Search success beyond Bing Ads Management

Your new customers - we’ll help you find them with Google Ads, Amazon Ads and Social Media advertising pages that sell.

Your 'best fit’ Microsoft Advertising agency? Now you can be 100% confident you’re making the right choice

When it’s your responsibility to get the very best Microsoft Bing Ads results from your paid advertising, you’ll want to be 100% sure you’re working with the Bing Ads agency that’s right for you.

Your ‘best fit’ Microsoft Ads agency? You’ve just found it.

We’re the Bing Ad agency that will:

  • Show you a proven record of success across both Microsoft and Google platforms. A PPC agency that highlights the hard facts, the important numbers, and exactly what it took to achieve them

  • Transfer and tailor campaigns between Google and Microsoft platforms

  • Use performance data from your Google Ads campaigns to optimise your new Bing campaigns and vice versa

  • Insist that it’s you who owns your ads and the performance data - not us

  • Work tirelessly to understand the intricacies of your sector, your products, target audience, sales cycles, and the different stages of your sales and marketing funnel

  • Give you a flexible rolling contract and won’t try and tie you to a long term agreement

  • Contribute smart, creative ideas on how to squeeze every last penny of value from your marketing budgets (we’ve NEVER taken on an account where we couldn’t generate a 10-15% improvement in conversions)

  • Set clear objectives, timelines and milestones

  • Recognise and respect your KPIs - your definition of success

  • Share clear, detailed real time reporting on all the important metrics using Google Data Studio data visualisation and customised realtime 24/7 Data Studio dashboards

  • Organise monthly meetings to discuss campaign reports and progress

  • Always be there with straight answers to important questions of spend, performance and improvement

The science and the art of high-performance Bing PPC services

More customers. More Sales. How we make sure you always get the best possible results from your Microsoft Advertising Agency.

Microsoft Bing Ads Frequently Asked Questions

Find out more about Microsoft Advertising

Leading Microsoft/Bing Ads insights to help you become an even better digital marketer

Grow your business with the latest paid search insights - right here, right now.

Some very kind words from our very successful clients

If you need a great company to manage your advertising such as Google Ads, PPC, etc., you must try Optimum Click! They are amazing and treat you with the level of service that most places simply never offer. In addition to the service, they really do deliver the results you need at an affordable rate. This was the reason we started with them and to be honest, we wouldn't use anyone else. Thanks for all you guys do!

Jacob Blonsky

Operations Manager
BlackOak Led

Get your FREE Microsoft Bing Advertising X-Ray!

Want to boost Microsoft Bing Ads traffic, leads and sales? You’re in the right place.

Where are your campaigns leaking cash? Find out today with you FREE PPC X-RAY (like an audit... but better) (worth at £1000).

Business name:
Optimum Click Ltd.

Manchester, United Kingdom (UK)

Phone number:
+44 (0) 7708-378-542

Service areas:
PPC Management, Paid Social Media, Digital Analytics, Creative Content


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